• Database Management, allows a person to organize, store and retrieve data from a computer. Database Management can also describe, the data storage, operations and security 

 What is DBMS ?

  • Data Base Management system is a data base programs
  • Some of the examples of DBMS is MYSQL, Microsoft ACCESS, Oracle, RDBMS etc...... 

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 What Is RDBMS ? 

A relational database management system (RDBMS) refers to a collection of programs and capabilities that is designed to enable the user to create, update, and administer a relational database, which is characterized by its structuring of data into logically independent tables. There are several features that distinguish a Relational DBMS from a DBMS, including:

  • Structure: Where data is structured in hierarchical form in a DBMS, data is structured in tabular form in a RDBMS.
  • User capacity: A RDBMS is capable of operating with multiple users. DBMS can only manage one user at a time.
  • Software/hardware requirements: A RDBMS has greater software and hardware requirements.
  • Programs managed: DBMS maintains databases within the computer network and system hard disks. A RDBMS manages the relationships between its incorporated tables of data.
  • Data capacity: A DBMS is capable of managing small amounts of data and a RDBMS can manage an unlimited amount of data.
  • Distributed databases: A DBMS does not provide support for distributed databases while a RDBMS does.
  • ACID implementation: A RDBMS bases the structure of its data on the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) model.

Difference between DBMS And RDBMS ?

DBMS represents a Database Management System. It is used to create/update/delete and maintain a database and it provides controlled access to data. RDBMS, Relational Database Management System, is an enhanced version of DBMS.

Following are the important differences between DBMS and RDBMS.

Sr. No.
1DefinitionDBMS stands for DataBase Management System.RDBMS stands for Relational DataBase Management System.
2Data StorageData is stored as file.Data is stored as tables.
3Data AccessIn DBMS, each data elements are to be accessed individually.In RDBMS, multiple data elements can be accessed at same time.
4RelationshipThere is no relationship between data in DBMS.Data is present in multiple tables which can be related to each other.
5NormalizationNormalization cannot be achieved.Normalization can be achieved.
6Distributed databaseDBMS has no support for distributed databases.RDBMS supports distributed databases.
7Data QuantityDBMS deals with small quantity of data.RDBMS deals with large quantity of data.
8Data RedundancyData Redundancy is common in DBMS.Data Redundancy can be reduced using key and indexes in RDBMS.
9UserDBMS supports single user at a time.RDBMS supports multiple users at a time.
10SecurityDBMS provides low security during data manipulation.RDBMS has multilayer security during data manipulation.
11ExampleMSAccess.Oracle, SQL Server.


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